Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Corkscrew willow branches


artquest1 said...

Hi Amber,
you asked for constructive comments, so here are a few.
When you photograph flowers, try shooting fairly early in the morning, when the sunlight is at an angle - angled (or directional) light usually will give richer color, but more importantly it gives texture and depth to your picture. Another reason to shoot in the morning is there is usually less wind. Another exciting technique is to look for backlighting. When the sun is shining through the translucent petals from behind, it gives much more drama to your subject. It also helps to have the flower illuminated, but the background dark. If this can be accomplished through naturally occuring shadow, that's great, but there is nothing wrong with getting yourself a three or four foot square of dark fabric and putting it in the bushes behind your image. Especially if you are using the macro feature of your camera, anything more than a foot or two behind the subject (point of focus) will be out of focus.
Ansel Adams says there are only three things necessary to take great pictures, a camera, film (he died about twenty years ago) and a tripod. If you are not using one, get one.
If you are not familiar with depth of field and how to utilize it, either drop me a line and I can give you some info, or read up on it. It is critical when doing close-up macro photography. If I haven't bored you yet, I have a few suggestions about composition also.
Good luck, bob bobsouvorin@mindspring.com

Amber said...

Thank you for your comments. I really do crave advice. :-) I will e-mail you for more information!
